Friday, October 31, 2008

This year's costume is "angsty receptionist"

My number one complaint about not being a child anymore, or aging in general, is the fact that trick-or-treating becomes less and less socially acceptable every year after 12 or so. All Halloweens after age 14, for me, have become more and lacklustre, hitting an All Time Low the year I was in Paris (and really, can you think of a people more opposed to strangers showing up and asking for things than the French?) So I hope that this year, now that I'm legal/in San Francisco, things will take a turn for the better. There's got to be free candy around here somewhere, right? Or at least a wealth of cookies

Things are off to a good start so far. Fall just got here. Seriously, like, two days ago. So there are plenty of leaves on the ground. And the modern rock station on the radio is devoting a chunk of its air time to (what they consider to be) Halloweenish bands- The Misfits, The Smashing Pumpkins (recent stuff though, without James or D'Arcy, laaaaaaaaaaame), and A.F.I. Though I don't get what's so scary about a scrawny pale dude wearing eyeliner shrieking like a woman. Or maybe I do. When did Davey Havok turn into the lovechild of Robert Smith and Jack Skelington?

Adding to the spook factor today was an awkward run-in I had with co-worker Patrick earlier this afternoon. A bit of prologue: Patrick is kindof a creeper. On with the run-in! I was coming downstairs to drop off a package and for some inexplicable reason he was just standing at the bottom of the stairs. And then we had a converstion that went something like this:

Pat: What are you dressing up as?
Me: Oh, uh...nothing
Pat: Oh come on, you can tell me...
Me: No, really. Nothing. Or I haven't decided yet.
Pat: Oh, so you're one of those people....

And later I received this e-mail:

RE: Popping downstairs for a moment, phones are on the floor
Sent: Fri 10/31/2008 4:41 PM
To: Rachel

Pop goes the weas

From: Rachel Hunter

Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:40 PM
To: Bernard; Sean; Sam; Carla; Patrick; Brittany; Sky; Kim; Ella; Jean
Subject: Popping downstairs for a moment, phones are on the floor



I know this probably comes across as one of those things that only seems weird to me, as any casual reader (both of them?) doesn't actually know or interact with Patrick on any sort of regular basis. Just imagine 5+ incidents like that, 3 times a week, for 3 months. Is it a little creepier now? Maybe? Or is my world just very limited right now?


D. Bow said...

Hey, you posted!
Good call on Davey Havok. And the Pumpkins - they were playing a lot of them in Portland, too.
Please don't use cookie as euphemism for penis, though.

Rachel said...

That's an acutal cookie though! From the bakery Hot Cookie. And I can authoritatively say it's delicious.